My Services

At Hands on Holistic, I prioritise confidentiality, empathy and compassion in every session, ensuring that you feel safe to share your story and are deeply heard. My therapeutic approach draws on a rich blend of person-centred and process-oriented counselling and psychotherapy knowledge and practice, or creative arts therapy, crafting individual pathways that resonate deeply with your personal experiences and challenges.

My fees include art/materials.

You are welcome to book for alternative times, please contact me.

Initial Counselling Session

60-minute session ($125)

An initial session is an opportunity for you to meet with me and determine if my service and therapeutic alliance are a good fit for you as you begin to express your needs in a safe and confidential space. We will attend to compliance documentation during your session. An introductory fee applies and 90 minute sessions are available if required. I look forward to meeting you. Join me for a cuppa and space for you.

Interactive Drawing Therapy

50-minute session ($125)

Shorter session for busy lives and lunchtime clients. No art skills necessary, efficient and effective access to often surprising and helpful unconscious material in a safe space.

Art Therapy (Counsellor)

60-minute session ($165)

90-minute session ($210)

This session holds space for creative wellbeing and collaborative co-inquiry in a therapeutic and person-centred exploration of art materials, nature and personal story. It holds space for deep listening, compassion, body, heart and mind when “talk” is difficult or not enough.

Holistic Counselling-Psychotherapy

60-minute session ($150)

Engage in a person-centred and holistic modality that provides empathic listening and unconditional positive regard for your unique mental health journey. May include dreamwork, body symptom work, life myth, addictive tendencies work with a bliend to “everyday” talk therapy. with expanded and holistic self-awareness. This session holds space for body, heart, and mind.

12 Sessions for Heart and Mind Art Therapy

You are invited to deeply explore your patterns of perception, feelings and thoughts in an individually tailored, whole person - centred and process-oriented journey..over one, two or four calendar seasons depending on your preference. Together we notice and unfold your momentary awareness, personal narrative, body symptoms, dreams, relationship conflicts, and events in your everyday reality for renewing your sense of hope, healing, understanding, self-esteem, self-expression and relationships. Discover how holistic awareness – body, heart and mind - and experiential practices including arts-based, journalling, being in nature, keeping a dream diary and somatic awareness have the potential to expand your sense of self, life myth and support mental health challenges.  

12 weeks (1x 90-minute session per week)
Saving approx.15% on my 90 min weekly session fee

Non-binding/Cancel anytime/Ethical standards adhered to.


Contact Me Directly to Book